• Hyderabad
  • info@sanjivahomeo.com
  • (+91) 63056 36909

What do Skin Diseases mean?

Your skin, the largest organ in your body, protects you from the environment, but it's not impenetrable. Allergens, irritants in the environment, infection, hereditary factors, and stress are just some of the variables that can cause or worsen skin problems.

The term disorder' is used to describe a wide range of skin problems, from little red pimples to large rashes. Some skin disorders are unattractive but not communicable, whereas some common itchy or painful skin problems.

The constitutional method of Homeopathy for skin disorders entails the patient answering a series of questions, based on which the situation is analyzed and evaluated, and appropriate constitutional therapies are chosen. We must treat the man in disease, not the disease in man, as Homeopathy treatment says. The end outcome of inner, mental tension is skin diseases. Homeopathy does not believe in treating skin illnesses with local ointments and lotions, preferring instead oral medicines that penetrate deep into the system. We also have a skin cancer specialist on staff.

Tips for Healthy and Glowing Skin:

  • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day to keep your skin moist.
  • Regular exercise to maintain Skin elasticity.
  • Protect Skin from UV rays.
  • Apply moisturizer after warm face wash to restore the oil and keep skin hydrated.
  • Get good sleep.
  • Wash your face daily mostly before going to bed.