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Pimples are the most common type of skin issue and almost each one of us is affected by them. Though these pimples often go away themselves, when the situation aggravates it is always best to get it to check by a doctor. You can try a Homeopathic remedy for pimples on the face that offers a cure for such type with zero side effects. Homeopathic remedies to get rid of pimples are given below.

6 Homeopathic Remedies For Pimples

It is considered to be the best Homeopathic drug for acne on the face. Acne indurata, acne simplex, and acne pustular are all treatable with this Homeopathic remedy Psorinum. In oily skin with overworked sebaceous glands, the skin is left greasy, making it more prone to acne. Psorinum can help reduce the secretion of oil and in effect, treat the underlying cause of a pimple outbreak. It is also used in treating acne that gets worse with consuming chocolates, meats, sweets, and fat. Itchy winter acne may be treated with this as well.
Calcarea Sulphurica and Hepar Sulph:
Homeopathic remedies Calcarea Sulphurica and Hepar Sulph are that are very effective for treating pustular acne. Pustular acne means pus-filled acne. Often, there is blood staining the pus. Hepar Sulph is effective if the pimples ooze out pus or blood mixed with pus. These pimples may be extremely painful. It is especially useful to treat pimples in teenagers.
Kali Bromatum:
Kali Bromatum is a wonder medicine that treats chest, shoulders, and facial acne. It is generally marked by a persistent itch. The acne might be indurated, pustular, or simplex. The scar-forming acne is also generally treated with Kali Bromatum. Purple-tinged acne is best treated with Kali Bromatum.
Natrum Mur and Antimonium Crudum:
They are very effective in the treatment of facial acne, especially those affecting the cheeks. Cheeks that turn hot due to acne are best treated with Antimonium Crudum. It may be pustular or papular in nature. Another complaint in such cases is a burning sensation. Natrum Mur is a Homeopathic medicine that shows maximum efficacy in the case of itchy pimples on the cheeks. Anemic girls are also benefitted from Natrum Mur.
It is used in extremely itchy acne. People with unhealthy-looking and dirty skin are benefitted from the use of this Homeopathic wonder drug. The itch generally gets much worse at night or with the application of warmth. For acne that hasn’t responded to previously applied topical medicines and ointments, sulfur has shown marked improvement and has even obliterated all signs of acne.
Acne affecting the forehead heals fast with the application of silicea. This Homeopathic medicine for pimples or pustular acne has shown drastic healing effects. If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a Homeopath.