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Pain Treatments

Pain is a feeling of distress that is caused by intense damaging stimuli. It is one of the most common reasons that compels the patient to consult a physician and take painkillers. In the long run, painkillers have adverse effects on our bodies. While most of the time, the cause of the pain is diagnosed, there are cases in which the cause remains undiagnosed. Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is based on symptoms and has no side effects thus, it is most effective in the treatment of both muscle and joint pains.

Here we give you a list of common Homeopathic pain medications that are prescribed to give relief to patients and the circumstances under which they can be used.

Bryonia-It is given when there is a hot swollen joint, pain from overuse of a body part, or injury. The slightest movement aggravates the pain and is relieved the pressure on the affected part.
Causticum - It is recommended for muscle spasms, stiff neck, and pain. The character of the pain is sharp and tearing and is caused by cold dry weather. The patient is relieved by the warmth.
Arnica Montana - Arnica is suggested when a patient has sore, bruised feeling all over the body. The patient is very sensitive to the pain and everything on which he rests seems very hard. Arnica is a top remedy in case of injury from falling, sprain and bruise.
Rhus Toxicodendron- The first choice of remedy in case of rheumatism and back pain. The right side of the body is especially affected. The patient experiences stiffness and aching pain that aggravates during the rainy season, in the morning, on exposure to cold, and also by rest. Pain is relieved by moving the affected parts and by warmth.
Cuprum Metallicum- It is given in cases of muscle twitching or severe muscle spasm. The patient feels better when the painful area is massaged.
Magnesia Phosphorica - This is the best medicine for all types of pain, especially when the pain is on the right side of the body. The pain is aggravated by cold and movement and is relieved by heat and rest in the general. This is suggested to relieve lower abdomen pain during menstruation.
Pulsatilla- This is an excellent remedy for rheumatic pains that shifts from one joint to another. Homeopathic medicine is suggested after a thorough understanding of patient symptoms and the medication differs from patient to patient. So it is better to consult a Homeopathic physician to select a suitable medicine to get relieve pain.